DIY w/ Online Coaching - Puppy thru Adulthood Basic Obedience and Agility


DIY w/ Online Coaching - Puppy thru Adulthood Basic Obedience and Agility


*For Puppies Less Than 16 Weeks Old

My online course is a stand alone dog training program. The material covers a variety of strategies and techniques designed to teach novice dog owners how to successfully raise puppies to be a happy, healthy, well socialized, canine companions. What makes this course unique in terms of online services is my personal oversight and guidance. I monitor client’s individual training journals and provide feedback for as long as the student makes consistent entries.

The first step is to sign up for a google drive account. I then share a Google Folder and a Google Doc. The folder contains instructional videos and the Google Doc serves as the client’s private training journal. The training journal allows me to monitor progress, and provide feedback as necessary.

Keeping a training log is a very important part of the process. The journal serves as a central repository for all correspondence, plus it’s very nice to have a diary of the puppy’s early life. They grow up so fast, it’s almost unbelievable. Trust me, having a well maintained and documented history of the puppy’s first year of training becomes is something clients always treasure!

Journaling is in diary format; a simple time based accounting is best. The more information I have about your daily routine the better, at least in the beginning stages. We want to optimize the time you have available for influencing your pup so we pay special attention to allocating time in the most efficient manner possible. A good game plan and a consistent schedule go a long way towards making puppy raising fun, effective, and efficient.

Each day you will journal your activities, adding photos and videos when you can. The photos can be added right to your journal, the videos will need to be uploaded to google drive and then linked in the journal.

I will check your work about twice a week. If you ever do not hear from me for an extended period of time, send me an email. There are times when google drive has technical glitches. It doesn’t happen often, but it does happen.

It’s a very straightforward process really. I show you what to do, then I monitor your progress and provide feedback. The great thing about the course is that you have immediate access to an expert, which prevents mistakes and saves a lot of time and effort.

One word of caution though, don’t judge your progress by mine. I do this stuff everyday and have pretty much the perfect setup for puppies to achieve awesome results at an accelerated pace. You will end up with the same results, but expect the process to take a few months, instead of a few weeks.

